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Structural and Vibrational Monitoring of the Former Municipal Theater of Florence

  • Project

    The conversion project of the former Municipal Theater of Florence, located between via Solferino, via Magenta and corso Italia, involves its almost complete demolition and the construction of 160 apartments, shops, a gym, and an underground parking facility. It represents the most significant urban regeneration project in the center of Florence, aiming to contemporarily requalify an entire city block. In addition to defining the predominantly residential use of the complex, the plan includes an inner open space within the block and the implementation of requalification works in the surrounding area, such as the reconstruction of the central parterre of Via Solferino. The recovery project involves the demolition of the theater hall and the realization of ancillary works to modernize the museum.


    AIDA IoT platform is used for the complete management of data generated by an extensive structural and vibrational monitoring system. The automated system’s purpose is to monitor the stability of the buildings near the construction site during excavation and construction phases, verify the effectiveness of containment/foundation works during excavation and control the vibrational effects of construction activities on adjacent buildings.
    Specifically, piezometers, toroidal load cells for tie rods and biaxial clinometers have been installed. This instrumentation is wired to wireless nodes that communicate with a data collection and transmission gateway. Additionally, several vibrometric measurement stations and two robotic total stations for topographic control of significant points in the construction area have been installed.


    The fully automated monitoring system, managed through the AIDA IoT web platform, allows designers and project managers to monitor the parameters in real-time during construction activities, ensuring safety, particularly during delicate operations. Thanks to AIDA IoT, real-time data access and alerts in case of critical situations are guaranteed. The final result is a faster and safer intervention by the technical staff involved.